Inside the launcher, select the content (open box) and click on “Install” in the corresponding file, at the bottom left. If you want to install an external mod, you must go to the root folder of the game, for example: D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/rfactor2, and access the Packages folder, where you must leave the. Both are installed automatically by restarting the simulator. Note: It is recommended to access the simulator workshop to install the mods you want to use, in addition to the cars/circuits developed by Studio 397. The second icon, “ the open box”, indicates the contents you have installed inside the simulator. Right now you are in the main screen (“ house logo”), where you will find the latest news associated with the simulator, such as: competitions, new content or future updates (published once a month). Once inside the launcher, on the left side of the application, you will find a set of icons. A launcher that contains many options, but they are somewhat complicated to understand. You have just started the game, but you are not in the game menu, you are in the “launcher”.

Let’s get started! I just started the game, and I’m in the menu, what do I do? Therefore, in this guide I will try to help you in those first steps when starting the simulator. It seems that you have just purchased rFactor 2, the simulator previously developed by ISI and recently acquired by the company Studio 397.